

讲座主题:Peer Effect in the Hierachy: Evidence from the Workplace

主讲人:孟涓涓 教授 





Peer effect within homogenous groups such as neighbors are well-documented in the literature. This paper explores peer effect from a novel hierarchical perspective using data from workplace. With the employer-employee match information and credit card consumption records from a bank, we find that individual’s consumption is significantly influenced by coworkers of all hierarchical layers. Interestingly, peer effects with coworkers at higher layer are positive correlated with the probability of getting a raise in salary. For raised individuals, their peer effects with higher-layer workers increase significantly both before and after the raise; while for the non-raised workers, there is a similar increase before but declines immediately after their colleagues’ salary raises. Our findings suggest that promotion incentive can be a novel motivation underlying the peer effect in a hierarchical context.



她目前的研究专长包括行为经济学,行为金融学等。她的研究成果发表在国外顶级学术期刊上,如American Economic Review, Management Science, Journal of Public Economics, International Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.她曾经主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“参照点和狭隘视野:行为经济学前沿问题探究”已结题) 、国家自然科学基金青年基金研究项目 “个体经济行为中的社会性因素”(已结题,获评为“优”)和北京青年英才计划依赖人际关系还是正式渠道---论正式与非正式制度安排对社会经济发展的影响项目研究。于2017年获北京大学教学优秀奖、厉以宁教学奖。开设的慕课《行为经济学》获得“最美慕课——首届中国大学生慕课精彩100评选展播活动”一等奖。