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作者:来源:产业经济研究院发布时间:2021-03-02 16:00:06






兼职:《产经评论》执行主编,Review of International Economics副主编,产业组织与规制研究所所长

E-mail:eflijie@jnu edu cn,办公室:暨南大学惠全楼306-4   



1. Peter H. Egger, Jie Li*, Yu Zhao (2024), “Chinese Regions’ Participation in Global Value Chains and the Associated Global Transmission of Export Price and Quantity Shocks”, Review of International Economics, Forthcoming.

2. Peter H. Egger, Jie Li*, Han Wu (2024), “Decomposing China’s Bilateral Export Growth: A Firm-regional-transactions Structural Gravity Approach”, European Economic Review, Vol. 164, pp. 1-23. 

3. Peter H. Egger, Jie Li*, Jiaqing Zhu (2023), “The Network and Own Effects of Global-Systemically-Important-Bank Designations”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 136, pp. 1-21.

4. Peter H. Egger, Jie Li*, Han Wu (2023), “Firms' Entry Choices Across Export Products and Markets, and the Consequences of Trade in an Open Economy: Evidence from China”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 209, pp. 243-262.

5. Lu Yunzhi, Li Jie*, Yang Haisheng (2023), “Time-varying Impacts of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on China's Housing Market”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 118, pp. 1-18. 

6. Wu Han, Li Jie*, Zhao Yu (2023), “Foreign Demand Shocks, Product Switching, and Export Product Quality: Evidence from China”, The World Economy, Vol. 46 (1), pp. 276-301.

7. Li Guangzhong, Peter H. Egger, Li Jie, Wu Han (2022), “Exporting Firms’ Factor and Product Quality Adjustments in Response to Employment Protection Legislation: Evidence from China”, China Economic Review, Vol. 73, pp. 1-22.

8. Lu Yunzhi, Li Jie*, Yang Haisheng (2021), “Time-varying Inter-urban Housing Price Spillovers in China: Causes and Consequences”, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 77, pp. 1-22.

9. Peng Qing, Li Jie, Zhao Yu, Wu Han (2021), “The Information Content of Implied Volatility: Application to the USD/JPY Exchange Rates”, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 76, pp. 1-12.

10. Li Guangzhong, Li Jie*, Zheng Ying, Peter H. Egger (2021), “Does Property Rights Protection Affect Export Quality? Evidence from A Property Law Enactment”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 183, pp. 811-832.

11. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2020), “Pollution for Sale: Firms’ Characteristics and Lobbying Outcome”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 77 (3), pp. 539-564.

12. Wang Xingtang, and Li Jie* (2020), “Downstream Rivals’ Competition, Bargaining, and Welfare”, Journal of Economics, Vol. 131, pp. 61-75.

13. Yu Zhuangxiong, Zhang Jie, and Li Jie* (2020), “Does Going Public Imply Short-Termism in Investment Behavior? Evidence from China”, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 42, pp. 1-15.

14. Peter H. Egger, Li Guangzhong, and Li Jie* (2019), “Introduction to the Special Issue on China”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 27 (4), pp. 1001.

15. Li Jie, Wang Xingtang, Dong Baomin, and Eden S. H. Yu (2019), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Vertical Product Differentiation and International Competition”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 27 (4), pp. 1108-1125.

16. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2019), “To Favor More or Less? Corporate Lobbying over Preferential Treatment to State-Owned Enterprises”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 55 (3), pp. 334-357. 

17. Li Guangzhong, Li Jie*, and Wu Yangru (2019), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Firm-level Investment: Finding the Hartman-Abel Effect”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 47 (2), pp. 441-457.

18. Wang Xingtang, Li Jie, and Wang F.S. Leonard (2019), “Vertical Contract and Competition Intensity in Hotelling’s Model”, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 1-6.

19. Li Guangzhong, Li Jie, and Zhu Jiaqing (2018), “Exchange rate jumps and exports: Evidence from China”, The World Economy, Vol. 41 (9), pp. 2374-2388.

20. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2018), “North-South Negotiations on Emission Reductions: A Bargaining Approach”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 71 (1), pp. 157-177. 

21. Li Guangzhong, and Li Jie* (2018), “Managerial Diversion, Product Market Competition, and Firm Performance”, China Economic Review, Vol. 50, pp. 240-264.

22. Wu Han, Yu Zhuangxiong, and Li Jie* (2018), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Product Market Competition, and Product Market Performance”, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 56, pp. 75-91. 

23. Zhu Jiaqing, Li Guangzhong, and Li Jie* (2017), “Merge to Be Too Big to Fail: A Real Option Approach”, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 51, pp. 342-353. 

24. Yu Zhuangxiong, Li Jie, and Yang Jian (2017), Does Corporate Governance Matter in Competitive Industries? Evidence from China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 43, pp. 238-255. 

25. Li Jie, Lu Jing, and Jiang Mobing* (2017), “A Political Economy Model of Cross-border Mergers under Mixed Oligopoly”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 83-100. 

26. Chen, Charlie Lin, Liu Qian, Li Jie, and Wang F.S. Leonard (2016), Corporate Social Responsibility and Downstream Price Competition with Retailer's Effort, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 46, pp. 36-54.

27. Li Guangzhong, Zhu Jiaqing, and Li Jie (2016), Understanding Bilateral Exchange Rate Risks, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 68, pp. 103-129.  

28. Ou Ruiqiu, Li Jie, Lu Jing*, and Guo Chenxu (2016), The Optimal Privatization Policies under International Mixed Duopoly, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 20 (1), pp. 228-238. 

29. Li Jie, Xu Xiaohui, and Lu Jing* (2015), “Negotiation over Intellectual Property Rights Protection in a Mixed Market”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 19 (4), pp. 759-775. (Lead Article) 

30. Huang Xianhai, Jiang Mobing, and Li Jie* (2015), “A Comparison of Optimal Tariffs and Welfare under No Lobbying, Domestic Lobbying, and Domestic-foreign Lobbying”, The World Economy, Vol. 38 (1), pp. 136-150.

31. Li Jie, Li Guangzhong, and Zhou Yinggang (2015), Do Securitized Real Estate Markets Jump? International Evidence, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 31, pp. 13-35.

32. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2014), “Protection vs. Free Trade: Lobbying Competition between Domestic and Foreign Firms”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 81 (2), pp. 489-505. 

33. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2014), “Subsidization and Bargaining in Mixed Markets”, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 66 (4), pp. 358-373. 

34. Li Jie, and Huang Xianhai (2013), “When to Initiate an International Vertical Merger: The Impact of Negative Demand Shock”, The World Economy, Vol. 36 (7), pp. 843-860.

35. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2013), “Negative Demand Shocks, Knock-on Effects, and Emergency-type Government Bailouts”, The Manchester School, Vol. 81 (3), pp. 243-257. (Lead Article) 

36. Cai Dapeng. and Li Jie* (2012), “Quid pro quo and the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Protection: A Bargaining Approach”, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol. 21 (6), pp. 755-772. (Lead Article)

37. Huang Xianhai, Sun Qunyan, and Li Jie* (2012), “Optimal Policy Choice and Asymmetric Information in a Mixed Market”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 238-251. 

38. Cai Dapeng. and Li Jie* (2011), “To List or to Merge: Endogenous Choice of Privatization Methods in a Mixed Market”, The Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 62 (4), pp. 517-536. 

39. Cai Dapeng, and Li Jie* (2011), “Mechanism and Impacts of Embezzlement in a Duopolistic Market”, Australian Economic Papers, Vol. 50 (1), pp. 1-11. (Lead Article) 

40. Chen Tao, Li Jie*, and Cai Jun (2008), “Information content of inter-trade time on the Chinese market”, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 174-193. 

41. Sun Qunyan, Zhang Anming, and Li Jie (2005), “A Study of Optimal State Shares in Mixed Oligopoly: Implications for SOE Reform and Foreign Competition”, China Economic Review, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 1-27. 

42. Li Jie, Qiu Larry Dongxiao, and Sun Qunyan (2003), “Interregional Protection: Implications of Fiscal Decentralization and Trade Liberalization”, China Economic Review, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 227-245. 

43. Li Jie, and Zhang Anming (2003), “WTO Accession and China’s Domestic Regional Liberalization: A Theoretical Analysis”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 127-141.



1. 徐恺、彭晴、李杰*,中国城市间不同技能劳动力的分布合理吗?——基于高、低技能劳动力互补的视角《经济学季刊》2024年3月

2. 陈少凌、李杰*、谭黎明、杨海生,我国系统性金融风险的测度与传导机制研究——基于HD-TVP-VAR模型的复杂网络分析《世界经济》202112月。

3. 李广众、朱佳青、李杰*、李新春经理人相对绩效评价与企业并购行为研究:理论与实证,经济研究2020年3月

4. 王兴棠、李杰*,中间品贸易视角下的国际研发合作行为研究,《管理科学学报》2020年9月

5. 王兴棠、李杰*,质量异质性,谈判势力与出口贸易政策——基于垂直市场结构的视角,《南开经济研究》,2020年6月

6. 李捷瑜李杰、王兴棠,出口网络能促进对外直接投资吗?—基于中国的理论与经验分析,《国际贸易问题》,20205月

7. 王兴棠、李杰*EPR制度下企业废弃物处理模式内生性选择研究,《管理学报》,2019年5月

8. 徐晓慧、李杰、黄先海,企业内部治理对跨国并购绩效的影响——基于不同制度环境的研究,《国际贸易问题》,2019年3月。

9. 李杰、王兴棠、李捷瑜,研发补贴政策、中间品贸易自由化与企业研发投入,《世界经济》20188月

10. 李捷瑜、李杰、陈润深,海外专利的双重创新效应研究:过程创新还是产品创新?《世界经济研究》,2018年3月。

11. 徐晓慧、黄先海、李杰,目标市场负向需求冲击影响企业跨国并购的机理与实证,《经济理论与经济管理》,2017年3月

12. 徐晓慧、李杰,混合寡头市场下的民营化和战略政策,《中国经济问题》,201611

13. 徐晓慧、李杰,外资并购的价值效应及绩效影响因素的实证研究,《国际经贸探索》,20165月

14. 徐晓慧、李杰*,金融危机、政府干预与跨国并购绩效,《国际贸易问题》,2016年6月

15. 马虹、李杰,社会责任投资的避险效应和预期误差效应—基于产品市场竞争的视角,《中国工业经济》2015年3月

16. 马虹、李杰,战略性的企业社会责任投资与市场竞争—基于Hotelling模型的分析框架,《经济学动态》,2014年8月

17. 欧瑞秋、李捷瑜、李广众、李杰,部分民营化与国有企业定位—福利视角下的混合寡头模型分析,《世界经济》2014年5月

18. 李杰、李捷瑜、黄先海,海外市场需求与跨国垂直并购—基于低端下游企业的视角,《经济研究》2011年5月

19. 王曦、李杰,台海问题的博弈分析,《世界经济》2007年9月

20. 李杰、高宁、柴俊,中国银行间的同业拆借市场:基本特点分析及影响因素,《中国会计评论》,2007年6月

21. 王曦、李杰,台海问题的博弈分析:框架与均衡,《世界经济》2006年4月

22. 周天芸、李杰,农户借贷行为与中国农村二元金融结构的经验研究,《世界经济》2005年11月

23. 李杰、黄文平、李正仕,WTO与中国区域间地方贸易保护壁垒,《世界经济》2005年2月

24. 李杰、孙群燕,从啤酒市场整合程度看WTO对消除地方保护的影响,《世界经济》2004年6月(入选《2004年中国经济学》)

25. 孙群燕、李杰、张安民,寡头竞争情形下的国企改革,《经济研究》2004年1月

26. 黄文平、李杰,全球视野里的外国投资,《学术月刊》,2005年7月

27. 李杰,中国人力资本投资的内生增长研究,《世界经济》2001年4月

28. 李杰、黄文平,理解新经济,《学术月刊》,2001年3月




1.李杰、余壮雄主编. 《广州市数字经济发展报告》,暨南大学出版社,2021.5


3.李杰等编著. 《推动广东企业“走出去”的战略研究》. 经济科学出版社,2017.4

4.李杰著. 《混合寡头理论及其应用》,经济科学出版社,2014.3
5.李杰著. 《中国地区间的贸易保护》,中山大学出版社,2006.3 
6.王则柯、李杰编著. 《博弈论教程》(第三版). 中国人民大学出版社,2018.4(十一五国家级规划教材)

7. Sun Qunyan, Qiu Dongxiao, and Li Jie. (2006) “The Pearl River Delta - A World Workshop”, In Kevin Zhang (ed.) China as a World Workshop, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
8.李杰、王晓刚译,王则柯校. 《偏好的经济分析》,格致出版社,2015.(最初版本为《口味的经济学分析》. 都经济贸易大学出版社,2000.11 )



1. 畅通国内大循环、促进国内国际双循环的市场设计研究,2021年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(批准号:21JZD025),20221月—202412月,在研

2. 中间品贸易自由化与企业研发行为,2021年度国家社会科学基金后期资助项目,202111—202212月,在研

3. 中间品贸易自由化对我国企业自主研发和国际研发合作的影响:机理、效应与政策分析,2021年度国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:72173055),20221月—202512月,在研

4. 协同推进强大国内市场与贸易强国建设研究,科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目(批准号G2021199003L),20211—202212月,在研

5. 粤港澳大湾区构建具有国际竞争力的现代产业体系研究,202012—202512月,2020年度国家社会科学基金重大项目(批准号:20&ZD086),子课题负责人(在研)

6. 产业政策与贸易政策协同发展前沿研究,科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目(批准号G20200019035),20204—20213月,已结题

7. 产业经济学前沿研究合作科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目(批准号G20190019052),2019年4—20203月,已结题

8. 新时期中国产业与贸易政策协同发展机制与实施路径研究,暨南大学宁静致远“跨越计划”项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,批准号:19JNKY02),2019年4月—2023年3月,在研

9. 健全金融协调监管体系研究:基于系统性金融风险防范的视角, 研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项课题(批准号:18VSJ072),2018年3月—202012月,子课题负责人(已结题)

10. “一带一路”沿线国家劳动政策与我国产业结构调整研究2017年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大攻关项目(批准号:17JZD019),2018年1月—2022年1月,子课题负责人(在研)


12. 基于政治关联视角的中国企业跨国并购的战略选择和绩效度量研究,国家社会科学基金一般项目(批准号:15BJL087),2015年7月—20198月,已结题















