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余壮雄教授的合作论文在《Journal of Contemporary China》发表

作者:来源:产业经济研究院发布时间:2021-04-19 16:12:52

内容简介:我院教师余壮雄带领博士生与他人合作的论文在Journal of Contemporary China发表(2020年第121期)。文章信息:Yu Zhuangxiong, Dong Jiemiao, Feng Ya*, “The Impacts of the Government Industrial Plans on China’s Exports and Trade Balance”, Journal of Contemporary China, 2020, 29(121), 141-158.【摘要】This article investigates the impacts of China’s industrial plans on its exports and trade balance, and how they are magnified by the export controls to China by foreign countries. The empirical results show that China’s policy support to key-in

我院教师余壮雄带领博士生与他人合作的论文在Journal of Contemporary China发表(2020年第121期)。

文章信息:Yu Zhuangxiong, Dong Jiemiao, Feng Ya*, “The Impacts of the Government Industrial Plans on China’s Exports and Trade Balance”, Journal of Contemporary China, 2020, 29(121), 141-158.

【摘要】This article investigates the impacts of China’s industrial plans on its exports and trade balance, and how they are magnified by the export controls to China by foreign countries. The empirical results show that China’s policy support to key-industries through Five-Year Plans has had a significantly positive impact on its exports and trade balance. Specifically, this key-industry support policy has brought about a 0.35% increase in China’s exports relative to imports since China’s WTO accession, while this impact drops to 0.3% for the USA. Taking the foreign export controls into account, the impact of the key-industry support policy on China’s trade surplus decreases significantly, which shows that the foreign export controls to China has magnified the impact of key-industry support policy on trade balance.



主要研究领域为产业组织与国际贸易、企业选择与资源配置,研究成果发表于《管理世界》、《世界经济》、《中国工业经济》、Journal of Contemporary China、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等国内外重要期刊。