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作者:来源:产业经济研究院发布时间:2021-06-18 16:27:33

内容简介:序号论文名称作者发表刊物名称发表时间1避免亏损与公开增发盈余管理的识别与估计:来自聚束设计的实证证据张红金融研究2021接收2The Causal Effect of Options Ownership on Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence from Personnel Data李俏俏;张红*Labour Economics2021043Does Property Rights Protection Affect Export Quality? Evidence from A Property Law Enactment李广众;李杰*Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization2021034环境规制实现了绿色技术创新的“增量提质”吗——来自环保目标责任制的证据陶锋中国工业经济2021035Cohort Effects within the Firm: New Evidences from China张红Applied Economics Letters2021026重点产业政策对出口再分配的
1Motherhood and Gender Wage Differentials within a Chinese Firm陈祎,张红*,周黎安Economic Development and Cultural Change202110
4The Causal Effect of Options Ownership on Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence from Personnel Data李俏俏;张红*Labour Economics202104
5Does Property Rights Protection Affect Export Quality? Evidence from A Property Law Enactment李广众;李杰*Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization202103
7Cohort Effects within the Firm: New Evidences from China张红Applied Economics Letters202102
9Motherhood and Gender Wage Differentials within a Chinese Firm张红*Economic Development and Cultural Change2020年接收