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喜讯 | 我院教师余壮雄带领博士生在《Economic Modelling》发表论文

作者:来源:产业经济研究院发布时间:2023-06-08 12:09:31

内容简介://喜讯//近日,我院教师余壮雄带领博士研究生程嘉嘉在《Economic Modelling》(SSCI,影响因子3.875,1区)2023年5月发表论文。文章信息:Yu, Z., Cheng, J., Mukhopadhaya, P., Dong, J*. Do information spillovers across products aggravate product market monopoly? An examination with Chinese data. Economic Modelling, 2023: 106338.// 论文简介//【摘要】The simultaneous presence of accelerating information flows and declining market dynamics has sparked widespread interest. However, existing literature does not fully recognize the causal link between them. Using

//  喜讯 //

近日,我院教师余壮雄带领博士研究生程嘉嘉在《Economic Modelling》(SSCI,影响因子3.875,1区)2023年5月发表论文。
文章信息:Yu, Z., Cheng, J., Mukhopadhaya, P., & Dong, J*. Do information spillovers across products aggravate product market monopoly? An examination with Chinese data. Economic Modelling, 2023: 106338.



//  论文简介 //

【摘要】The simultaneous presence of accelerating information flows and declining market dynamics has sparked widespread interest. However, existing literature does not fully recognize the causal link between them. Using the China Customs Trade database (2000–2013), this paper studies the impact of information spillovers across products on the intensifying monopoly in China’s export product market. It finds that with the strengthening of inter-product information spillovers, big firms’ market share and market survival rate increase significantly. Big firms’ monopoly power is strengthened because inter-product information spillovers drive them to innovate more strategically and allow them to raise market barriers to entry. However, the aggravated monopoly can only increase the export scale but not improve the product quality, which is unfavorable to long-term economic growth. Finally, a comparison of spillover impacts under different policy interventions reveals that the monopoly risk can be aggravated by the industrial policy but mitigated by the regional policy.

【关键词】Export network; Information spillovers; Market monopoly; Matthew effect

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      暨南大学产业经济研究院研究员、博士生导师;主持国家社科基金重点项目、国家社科基金一般项目等国家级省部级项目十多项,横向课题多项,出版著作4本,在国内权威期刊《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》、《统计研究》、《经济学季刊》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《数量经济技术经济研究》与国外知名SSCI杂志Business Strategy and the Environment、Journal of Contemporary China、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal、Economic Modelling等发表论文50多篇。曾获全国统计科研优秀成果三等奖、广东省统计局统计科研优秀成果一等奖。美国科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(University of Colorado Denver)访问学者,暨南大学产业组织与规制研究所副所长,暨南大学产业大数据应用与经济决策研究实验室、暨南大学企业发展研究所、暨南大学房地产研究中心兼职研究员。担任《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》和《统计研究》等十几个权威杂志的外部审稿人。




编辑 | 潘艺璇

初审 | 王晓蕾

终审 | 陈    林