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【预告】午间学术分享会 | US Governmental Sanctions and corporate pollution

作者:来源:产业经济研究院发布时间:2024-01-09 17:11:27

内容简介:Hot News Hot News Flash Hot News Flashcurrent events events current events为了促进学院学术交流,提高学院学术氛围,学院将定期举办午间学术分享会——一个分享前沿研究和工作论文的交流平台。学术分享会将展开对经典、最新经济学研究的阅读,探讨国内热点问题、分析重要国家经济政策,邀请校外专家开展学术讲座,以促进学术交流、扩展学术视野。DAILY NEWS本周会议情况速览●题目:US Governmental Sanctions and corporate pollutionemissions of the Chinese Firms●报告人:许 锐 广东外语外贸大学●主持人:方 娴暨南大学●讲座地点:惠全楼305会议室●讲座时间:2023年12月15日(周五) 中午12:00内容摘要 Our study explores how the US governmental sanctions influences corporate pollution emissions. Empirically, us

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●题目:US Governmental Sanctions and corporate pollution emissions of the Chinese Firms

●报告人:许  锐 广东外语外贸大学

●主持人:方  娴 暨南大学


●讲座时间:2023年12月15日(周五) 中午12:00 


  Our study explores how the US governmental sanctions influences corporate pollution emissions.

    Empirically, using listed Chinese A-share firms spanning 2004 to 2022, we find that companies sanctioned by US government are able to obtain government environmental policy incentives, as evidenced by an increase in pollution emissions. It is further shown that this effect is more pronounced among firms that contribute more to local tax revenue, those that employ more local workers, and those that specialize in new businesses. Moreover, this impact is shown to be mainly due to increased corporate performance, increased innovation, and raised GDP growth. Our study contributes to the international trade uncertainty and ESG literature from the favor-exchange perspective of government-company relationship.



许锐,厦门大学博士,现就职于广东外语外贸大学会计学院。主要研究领域为公司治理。近年来在International Review of Financial Analysis,《会计研究》《经济学家》等杂志发表论文数篇,其成果获得福建省第十三届社会科学优秀成果奖。多篇工作论文在《金融研究》、Journal of Banking and Finance、Journal of Business Ethics二审中,主持副省级课题,参加JAPP专刊会议、CICF、CAFC等国际会议并作汇报。
