魏立佳教授主题讲座“Self-control, Expected-ideal Gap and Time-Inconsistent Preferences”







主讲人简介:魏立佳博士,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,毕业于厦门大学数量经济学专业,师从著名行为和实验经济学家Jason Shachat。主要研究方向为:应用计量经济学,机制设计理论。在《Marketing Science》、《Econometric Theory》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《 Pacific Economic Review》、《经济学季刊》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外顶级刊物上发表论文十几篇。


Self-control, Expected-ideal Gap and Time-Inconsistent Preferences

Lijia Wei

 Abstract: In this paper we study theoretically and experimentally in what circumstances and what kind of individuals are willing to accept a social discipline to overcome temptation and solve their self-control problem which is induced by time-inconsistency. We formulate a simple intra-person, multiple-self model in which the individual can choose to accept a discipline which may impose a punishment if he/she will not invest in a project in the future. Thus the discipline can act as a commitment to enhance the motivation for one's future selves. We conduct a  field experiment in a university course where the students can choose freely to accept two contracts at the beginning the semester. The contract A is that the student will not be counted the attendance and get all the participation grade directly. The contract B is that the student will be counted the attendance and will be punished if absence during the semester. Both theory and experimental results consistently argue that the social discipline is valuable for the individuals with intermediate self-control who are willing to accept it. Partial naivety may distort individuals' contractual strategy.