我院教师李禹燊在《China Economic Review》发表论文


近日,我院教师李禹燊(通讯作者)的一篇论文The effect of urban cultural diversity on the entrepreneurship of rural-to-urban migrant workers”(合作者:成前(南开大学经济学院副教授)、王鸿儒(国家发展改革委价格成本调查中心助理研究员))在经济学权威期刊《China Economic Review》上发表。该论文实证分析了城市文化多样性对中国乡城移民创业的影响。研究发现:第一,城市文化多样性促进了乡城移民创业,且对生存型创业促进效果更显著;第二,异质性分析发现,对于跨省移动、新生代、流动5年以上的乡城移民,城市文化多样性的创业提升作用更明显;第三,不同地区、不同规模城市中文化多样性对乡城移民创业的影响也呈现异质性,东部地区、直辖市中的作用更显著;第四,创新资源获取和城市包容发展是城市文化多样性促进乡城移民创业的两个重要机制。论文基于乡城移民与流入城市的文化互动过程,从文化视角理解乡城移民的创业行为,为提升乡城移民创业质量提供了有益参考。

【摘要】This paper studies the effect of urban cultural diversity on the entrepreneurship activities of rural-to-urban migrants in China. Merging nationwide data from two different sources, we construct the city index of cultural diversity and explain the entrepreneurial behavior of migrant workers from the perspective of culture. We find robust evidence that urban cultural diversity significantly increases the probability of rural-to-urban migrant workers undertaking entrepreneurial activities, and the effect is larger for necessity entrepreneurship. Compared with intraprovincial migrant workers, urban cultural diversity has a greater effect on interprovincial migrant workers. We also find that the effect of urban cultural diversity on migrant workers who work in the eastern region and highly developed cities is significantly larger. The mechanism analysis suggests that innovation resource accessibility and social inclusion explain the increase in the entrepreneurship engagement of migrant workers produced by urban cultural diversity.


作者简介:李禹燊,暨南大学产业经济研究院助理教授,于2021毕业于加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University,获得经济学博士学位,同年加入暨南大学产业经济研究院工作。


China Economic Review创刊于1990年,主要刊发以中国经济为研究对象的原创性论文,是该领域最具影响力的国际期刊之一。在2020SSCI期刊JCR分区中,该刊隶属于经济管理类Q1区,影响因子为4.227
