主讲人:张弛 助理教授
主持人:陈林 教授
腾讯会议号:285 105 045
张弛,中山大学国际金融学院助理教授,中山大学百人计划引进人才,美国北卡州立大学经济学博士,曾赴美国哥伦比亚大学访问,以第一作者身份在Journal of Corporate Finance等SSCI和CSSCI期刊发表论文多篇。
Prior evidence indicates that proximity increases investments resulting in stronger economic growth. The introduction of a non-stop direct flight between two locations in different countries allows for faster travel and a lower cost of acquiring information, potentially facilitating acquisitions abroad. We examine this channel by considering cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity between China and the U.S. Our results suggest that direct flights matter most in target selection. Direct flights are more important for M&A activity where information asymmetry is greater and for first time acquirers in the market. We demonstrate that endogeneity is unlikely to drive the results.
排版 | 李杰林
初审 | 王晓蕾
终审 | 陈 林