讲座预告 | Peter H. Egger:How Uncertainty Shapes the Spatial Economy



产业经济研究院Seminar第 205 期


主  题:How Uncertainty Shapes the Spatial Economy

主讲人:Peter H. Egger  教授(苏黎世联邦理工学院)

主持人:  教授(暨南大学)

时   间:2023年11月27日(周一)


地  点:暨南大学惠全楼305会议室




Peter H. Egger教授,国际著名经济学家,现任苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH, Zürich)经济学教授,自2013年起担任国际著名经济学期刊Review of International Economics的主编,是美国经济学学会、欧洲经济学学会、计量经济学学会、英国皇家经济学学会等知名经济学学会的成员。Peter H. Egger教授研究领域主要集中在面板和空间计量经济学的理论和应用、国际经济学和区域经济学的理论和应用、产业组织和跨国公司等方面,学术成果丰硕。目前已在包括American Economic Review、Journal of Econometrics、Economic Journal、Journal of International Economics等在内的国际顶级期刊上发表论文200余篇




We develop a dynamic general equilibrium trade model in which the economy is a collection of spatially separated competitive markets and agents (workers/consumers) choose optimally where to locate and seeking for a job. Agents are heterogeneous based on (i) their pre-determined choice of a region, sector and occupation and, also, on (ii) a non-insurable risk of aging, that implies a lower option value when changing region and job characteristics. By solving for the resulting dynamic spatial quantitative model with labor mobility under uncertainty we show that rational households behave differently compared to a setting with perfect foresight (e.g. Caliendo et al., 2019). In particular, adjustment to shocks slows down, with more people being stuck in poorer regions and higher inequality across regions and sectors in the long run. Furthermore, greater volatility in the productivity of a job (holding constant the mean) results in a strong decline in the attractiveness of those jobs. Using detailed administrative French data, we quantify the productivity-loss-equivalent of a rise in uncertainty and we document that the impact on the individual lifetime welfare of an increase in uncertainty is comparable to the one of a medium-large negative productivity shock.


  排 版 | 韩淑铃

  校 对 | 李杰林

  初 审 | 王晓蕾

  终 审 | 陶   锋