讲座预告 | 谭娅:Shattering the “Iron Rice Bowl”




   ●题目:Shattering the “Iron Rice Bowl”: Spousal Labor Supply Response to SOE Reform in China

    ●报告人:谭娅 对外经济贸易大学

    ●主持人潘珊 暨南大学


    ●讲座时间:2023年12月1日(周五)  中午 12:00 




This paper documents the response of the within-household labor supply to the economic uncertainty in China. Using a wave of massive layoffs at state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in 1997 as a natural experiment, we show that the spouses of the household heads who worked at an SOE increased their labor supply following the layoffs significantly more than the spouses of the household heads who did not work at an SOE. We explore two possible explanations for this finding. The precautionary motive seems to largely explain the main effect— though the head of the household was not laid off (“worriers”), the family exhibit less consumption and increase precautionary savings. Suggestively, the substitution effect also drives the main effect as the heads of households who left their positions at SOEs during the layoffs (“leavers”) tend to migrate to jobs that required few skills and paid less.


谭娅,现任对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院助理教授,金砖国家研究中心研究员、副主任。2016年获北京大学经济学博士学位,2018-2020年作为博雅博士后在北京大学进行科研工作。主要研究领域为区域与城市经济学、公共经济学。在Journal of Urban Economics, iScience,Journal of Cleaner Production,《金融研究》,《经济学(季刊)》、《世界经济》等国内外期刊发表论文20余篇。主持自然科学基金青年项目(72203039)“ 教育资源的优化配置策略研究——基于高中田野调查的实证分析”。担任本科生课程《经济学导论》、《宏观经济学》和博士生课程《区域经济学》、《城市经济理论与分析》的任课教师。曾获北京高校第十三届青年教师基本功比赛文科组三等奖,对外经济贸易大学第九届青年教师基本功比赛一等奖,对外经济贸易大学2022-2023学年优秀班主任。



排版 | 韩淑铃

校对  |  李杰林

初审 | 王晓蕾

终审 | 陶  锋