// 喜讯 //
近日,我院博士生导师陈林分别在《经济研究》(封面论文)、China Economic Review(SSCI,影响因子5.2,1区)发表论文。
Wan P, Zhang Z X, Chen L*. Environmental co-benefits of climate mitigation:Evidence from clean development mechanism projects in China[J]. China Economic Review,2024,85:102182.
// 论文简介 //
Environmental co-benefits of climate mitigation:Evidence from clean development mechanism projects in China
【摘要】The carbon reduction effects of climate mitigation have received much attention, but less attention has been paid to the co-benefits of climate mitigation such as such as air pollution reduction and related health impacts. This oversight may have led to an underestimation of the broader welfare effects of climatemitigation and thus hindering its progress in implementation. This paper investigates the co-benefits of climate mitigation through focusing on the pollution reduction effects of the implementation of the clean development mechanism (CDM), which is an important climate mitigation mechanism to enhance north-south climate cooperation. Using a unique firm-level dataset with data on China’s CDM projects from 1998 to 2012, we show that the CDM implementation reduced sulfur dioxide emissions. Mechanism analyses show that the CDM implementation alleviated firms’ financing constraints and promoted fossil energy savings, thereby reducing emissions of air pollutants that usually coexist with greenhouse gases in burning fossil fuels. We also find that the CDM didn’t bring about the expected technological progress. These results highlight environmental co-benefits of climate mitigation and provide important implications for international climate cooperation.
【关键词】Climate mitigation,Clean development mechanism,Co-benefits,International climate cooperation,Technological progress
// 作者简介 //
暨南大学产业经济研究院教授、博士生导师,广州现代产业新体系研究基地常务副主任,公共管理学院MPA导师,已在《经济研究》《中国工业经济》《管理世界》《管理科学学报》《经济学(季刊)》《统计研究》《数量经济技术经济研究》《世界经济》《中国人口科学》《中国软科学》《中国人口·资源与环境》《财贸经济》《公共管理学报》《管理评论》《管理学报》《系统管理学报》《学术研究》《社会科学战线》《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》《新华文摘》(全文)、China Economic Review、Economic Modelling、International Review of Economics and Finance、The North American Journal of Economics and Finance、The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness等教育部A类权威或国家自然科学基金委管理学部重要或ABS2星SSCI或SCI期刊发表学术论文51篇(49篇独作、一作或通讯),合计被《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》和人大复印资料转载46次,获两届“人大复印报刊资料重要转载来源作者”称号。主持国家社会科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金项目以及各类省部级课题二十多项。研究领域为产业链、低碳经济、国有经济与反垄断经济学。